Sunday, November 20, 2011

Caleb's crossing

I really enjoyed this book. The writing is brilliant in that it transports you to that place in time and makes you feel you are there witnessing all.

The story is about Caleb Cheeshahteaumauk, a member of the Wopanaak tribe of Martha's Vineyard, born around 1646 and the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Although Caleb was a real person Brooks has taken what few facts are known of Caleb's life and created a fictional account of his story. The story is narrated by Bethia Mayfield, the daughter of a minister in a strict English puritan settlement on Martha's Vineyard, and is an entirely fictional character. Much of the story focuses on Bethia and her frustration at being denied an education due to her gender.

Bethia is 12 year old when she first meets Caleb and begins to form a friendship with him - each learning of the other's culture and language. Bethia's father is intent on educating and reforming the Native Indians to the English way of life - including it's strict faith and ways of worship - and Caleb becomes one of his pupils much to the disgust of his uncle who is a leader in his tribe.

A really interesting read. I am going to hunt down more books by Geraldine Brooks'.

The Home Filz rating - 4 stars!

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