Monday, July 23, 2012

Party for a 2 year old!

Two year old parties can be a tad tricky as most toddlers have started to become aware of the business of birthdays... especially if they have older siblings.  They know birthdays consist of cakes with candles, presents to be ripped open, and most importantly lolly bags, yet are too little to get to caught up in games or to have a say about the invite list (that comes next year!).  If older kids are attending it becomes necessary to provide some kind of entertainment at the party though.  Here was the program we provided at our recent 2 year old party:-

1)  Games
We played 3 games (mainly for the older kids):  pass the parcel, a treasure hunt and pin the tail on the donkey (courtesy of Granny).  It was all good fun and frankly enough I thought, particularly since you need prizes for each person these days!  We wrapped lollipops into the pass the parcel, and hid pens that light up in the garden, along with gold coins.  The pens were wrapped with everyones name on the parcel so everyone had to hunt for the parcels and then give to the appropriate person.  Pin the tail on the donkey was loved by the older kids as they hadn't played that game before and loved it.  The 2 year olds weren't into it AT ALL, especially hating the blind fold!

2)  Food
We served a bbq for the adults for lunch so the kids had sausages in rolls, corn on the cob and chicken kebabs (which they didn't really eat).  They also had fairy bread and fruit shapes followed by butterfly shaped cookies on sticks.  I had popcorn at the ready but felt like they had had enough to eat by then.

3)  Cake
The cake was a butterfly cake which was made from a simple round tin.  Once cooled I cut it in half, put the half circles back to back and cut small triangles from the sides.  The rest was in the icing and decorating.

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