Thursday, May 16, 2013

Still Alice by Lisa Genova

Ho hum, sometimes it seems every book you pick up is about some really depressing subject matter.  Still Alice is no exception as it is a story about Alice, who becomes diagnosed with Alzhiemers Disease.  This is a big deal as she is a 50-year old Harvard professor who prides herself on her ability to amazingly recall all kinds of facts and details collected over her career.  The disease therefore forces her to look beyond her career at life itself.

There are a number of things that make this book different to the other books you may pick up.  Firstly it is told from the point of view of the sufferer - her frustrations and difficulty coming to terms with her diagnosis.  Secondly it is not a depressing book.  I really liked the easy style of writing and of course it is emotional at times, but you don't finish feeling deflated.

The Home Filez rating - 4 stars!

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