Monday, February 28, 2011

A Distant Fog by Kate Morton

This is the first book written by Kate Morton. According to the Sydney Morning Herald it has been sold in 11 countries, produced a deal worth close to $1 million and sparked movie interest with one of the makers of the Da Vinci Code. Quite an achievement for a 29 year old Queenslander!

I really loved this story; it is so totally engrossing. It is set in the 1920's and was remincient of Gatsby to me! It is told from the persepective of Grace Bradley who became a housemaid at Riverton Manor at the age of 14. She is both intrigued by and in awe of the 3 children of the Manor, Hannah, Emmeline and their older brother David Hartford, and is eventually taken into their inner circle. It is told in retrospect as Grace is now 98 years old, and has been harbouring a terrible secret for so many years.

As well as the storyline, I really liked the historical component of the book and all the period charm - it is obviously well researched and the author captures it beautifully. It addresses all the unrest of WWI and the social changes of the 1920's, as well as including much glamour and decadence that seemed relevant to this era.

The Home Filez rating - 4 stars!

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