Monday, July 30, 2012

Novelty party food ideas

Every now and then I see some clever little food idea that I think I must make some time.  Clever being that it is a simple idea that has an overall very cute effect!  Here are some of the things I am keen to try.

1) Teacup cookies

I have had these earmarked for ages but haven't actually tried them yet.  You need:

1 packet Tic Toc Biscuits
250 grams Marshmallows
1 packet Freckles
2 packets of Musk Lifesavers
1 cup melted white chocolate (works better than icing apparently)

To assemble, stick the marshmallow onto the biscuit, icing side up.  Then stick a freckle on the top.  Half a Lifesaver stuck to the side forms the handle... easy (though sounds fiddly).

2)  Milky Way cars

How cute are these!  To make them you need:

1 packet Milky Way bars
1 packet Honey flavoured Tiny Teddies

1 packet Smarties1 cup melted chocolate (works better than icing apparently)

To assemble, stick the colour coded Smarties on the side of the bar.  Then push the Teddy and the Smartie into the bar.  Voila!

3) Wafer Teacups

These teacups are made from wafers and biscuits.  Here's how they are made:

Cup-style wafer icecream cones
Round cookies
2 gummy rings
Assorted lollies to fill the teacup

Use a serrated knife to carefully cut the cup portion of the cone.  Use the icing to stick the gummy ring on the centre of the cookie, and then to stick the cone onto the gummy ring.  The second gummy ring is used to make the handle of the teacup.

4) Chocolate Party Spoons

Don't these look amazing!!  I think the key to these is the cute pastel coloured spoons and the cute little lollies!  I found this idea on Delicious Delicious Delicious blog which has step by step instructions.  Essentially you elevate the spoons so they are level, the pour melted chocolate (use a good eating chocolate for them!) and then sprinkle with the lollies of your choice.  Ta da!  I like the sparkly sprinlles too.  One tip if you are using chocolate lollies wait for the chocolate to cool a little otherwise they will melt.

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