Sunday, July 29, 2012

Steve Jobs bio

I really enjoyed this read, although must admit I wasn't expecting too.  I'm not a techy-head nor am I a big Apple fan, well at least I wasn't.  After reading it I do admire each device with a new found appreciation for its life changing ingenuity and design beauty!

Jobs is such a character; I guess you have to be to make such a mark on the world.  He was certainly not always the nicest of people but it seems he liked those who stood up to him and didn't pander.  He loved the idea of being renegades of corporate culture and built his teams up with this mentality.

The book is written warts and all; it appears to be quite unbias.  Apparently his wife requested that the author not make him appear some super hero and insisted the negative be included along with the positive.  He loved telling people they were idiots and wasting him time... you wonder how those people feel about being named in the book!

The Home Filez rating.... 4 stars

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